I bought this little figure at a rummage sale. It is held together with elastic thread and the possible positions are virtually endless. My daughter created the conquerer pose and left it on the windowsill. I took it down and started to play with it. I discovered that one small change in the arms made a huge difference in the figure. I brought it with me to a lecture I was giving and talked about how our physical self impacts our mental state. (I learned that many years ago from Tony Robbins). Try it yourself. Sit with your hands in the “woe is me” position and pay attention to how you feel. Now move into the victorious pose and notice the difference. Something dramatic happens. Think about how you can use this in your daily life. Rather than letting your weary physical self dictate your posture, pretend to be energetic, change your position and smile at the result. The addition of a mechanical smile makes a difference too.