Would You Eat This?


I went to a prop sale sponsored by the Shakespeare Theater and found this piece of pie. When I was a kid (AND when my kids were kids) I loved fake food. I still do. Pretending to cut cheese or pizza, that is held together by velcro, with a wooden or plastic knife makes me smile. I think this pie is actually paper mache'. From a distance it looks pretty good, especially the color of the filling. The crust…well not so much. I thought about how this could be a metaphor for life. The old cliches still work. “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” “You can’t tell much by appearances.” We all know these things and we still get caught up in making a judgment based on initial impressions. Often, we judge ourselves and our ability to perform a function or to accomplish a task. Sometimes we question our intellect or our commitment. Sometimes we doubt our energy or the appeal we have to others. Keep the image of this slice in mind. There is far more inside us than we acknowledge. We are capable, we are valuable, and we do good. People learn that about us and trust us, even if we are having a bad hair day.