Breaking Through


I bought several amaryllis bulbs early in December, knowing that they would not bloom in time for Christmas.  In past years I have given them as gifts and this year ended up keeping them because I bought other things as presents.  One had grown at a right angle and I had to prop it up with a fork until it straightened out.  Another grew tall leaves with not a single flower. Another grew one puny leaf and that was all. It started out a disappointing year. Then the other plants began to show their buds. Whereas in the past I was excited about having two flowers, this winter I was seeing plants with four, six and EIGHT beautiful red flowers.  I photo documented their growth with great pride and enthusiasm.  But wait...what's this?  The bulb with the one little leaf was beginning to show signs of another sprout.  That is what you see here.  Let's watch it together and use it as a metaphor for life.