I had the opportunity to entertain a houseful of friends while celebrating a very happy family event. I ordered cardboard bakery circles from a restaurant supply company and hot glued tulle to make a hanging drape for around the neck. The result was a mock medal for each of my Gold Medal Friends. As I wrote each name I was able to recall special memories from decades of history. They ranged from funny to sorrowful, instructive to touching. It was a time to reflect on my good fortune in having these people in my life. Over the years we have consoled each other when times were rough, cajoled each other when times were tough and listened patiently when that's all that was required. Rarely did we coach each other. That degree of attention to word choice was absent and the tone and energy went unnoticed. Those are important elements in coaching. If you need more than an ear when communicating with a friend, be specific. Alert them to the category with which you are struggling. Perhaps they can point out where your voice resonates. It might help you focus on something you hadn't considered. Consider entering into an official coaching relationship with a professional and see what it feels like when someone REALLY listens to you.