I don't much like vegetables. Broccoli is one of the few that I enjoy, though I am very particular about the color. When steaming or blanching the flowerets I do my best to watch the time so that the color is just right. I avoid the use of the word PERFECT because so rarely is it appropriate. Frequently a clock is a great prop when have this conversation. If we agree to meet at noon I will be precisely on time ("perfect") only when the second hand reaches the twelve on the face of the clock. Anything other than that is early or late. That gives me one second to be perfect. If I am sewing a hem and a couple of stitches are not hidden I have the option of ripping it out and starting again. If I weigh the time already spent and the time needed to redo my work I may decide that the mistake is quite minor, essentially invisible and that excellence wins over perfection. Consider the tasks that lay before you. Occasionally choose excellence over perfection and get three extra things done with the leftover time.