Design Life as You Would Art


I love daffodils.  They are my favorite flowers to look at, while lilacs are my favorite flowers to smell.  When I brought this plate home I knew that I would find a way to contrast the living bloom with the glass representation.  I took the plate outside and positioned it so that it served as a backdrop for the daffodils in my garden.  I was unhappy with the result.  I chose to bring in some cut stems and arrange them in water and then remembered that I had a few mini flowers too.  I added them to the vase and stood on a chair to take this picture.  I was delighted with the image.  It is less about the actual composition than it is about recognizing the essence of what I wanted to capture and the steps I had to take to achieve the result.  Living by design is like that too.  The design evolves once we formulate our goals.  We then create action steps based on research or investigation and supported by mentors or coaches.  The target date helps to set us in motion with a sequence of events.  Living by design, rather then default, is far more fun!