Moving is One Transition


Moving from one location to another is an occasion when we have to pack boxes.  How about when we renovate the kitchen, update a treatment room,  paint and decorate a bedroom, downsize a parent, or finally clean out and give away years worth of "stuff"?  Each of these scenarios represents change.  Change can happen suddenly or after careful and pain staking consideration.  The contemplated change can generate significant stress while researching options, consulting experts, getting the opinions of friends and relatives, looking at costs and trends, and honestly respecting our own preferences.  Sometimes that last element is the hardest to achieve.  We often have a tendency to pay closer attention to what others think.  We think that they are more knowledgable, have better taste or don't trust our own instincts.  Coaching helps to bring clarity to our own talents, needs and preferences.  So often people express a thought that points to a desired possibility.  Coaching calls most often take on one  category at a time and dedicated listening picks up those nuances.  When one's own words are reflected back the insights can be remarkable.