Mental Health Matters


1Million Mohawks is an initiative sponsored by the You Rock Foundation to promote awareness of mental health concerns.  My oldest son started the foundation about five years ago.  This is the second year of the Mohawk theme and the concept is to draw attention to your head (and what is inside) by having an eye catching hair style.  Last year my bangs were shorter and I created a Mohawk with toothpaste.  The thick gooeyness held just long enough to get a quick image.  This year I needed to do something different.  Not being willing to cut my hair, even though the cause is quite relevant and important to me, I used cardboard. Furniture scratch cover  helped make the color closer to my hair and the trusty kitchen scissors cut the mock shape.  I know that this is not authentic participation in 1Million Mohawks. It still lets me modify my sense of humor to remind the people in my life that Joe is working hard to help the mental health community and how grateful I am for his life.