Where do You Want to Be?


For decades I have wanted to go to Alaska. Before the movie and concept of a Bucket List was fashionable I wanted to go to Alaska. Before there were popular cruises, I wanted to go to Alaska. Before I knew Eddie I wanted to go to Alaska. Before I knew about St. Herman of Alaska I wanted to go to Alaska. WHY?? Maybe it dates back to the 1964 World’s Fair and my mistaken impression that the wooden church replicated there represented one in Alaska. I also don’t know where my lifelong recognition of and affection for all things Norman Rockwell originates. That also doesn’t have a starting point. It is just THERE. What are your unspoken desires and wish list items? What do you want to experience and where do you want to go? Have you considered what steps you will have to take to get there? You may have to save money. You may have to arrange child care. You may have to do research about timing and special exhibits. You may have to coordinate events with family members or friends. You may have to revisit the original reasons there was an attraction. Maybe something more desirable has moved higher on your list. The point IS…pay attention, do your homework, create a plan and take the action steps. Make it fun as you take the little steps that will bring you closer.