Remember when you learned about inertia? A body at rest tends to remain at rest. Some people call it being in a rut when you are stuck doing the same old thing that isn’t really working anymore. It could be a job that you have been thinking about leaving or a hairstyle that you are thinking about changing. Does the ride home happen with you on automatic pilot? Maybe you have been cooking the same exact meals for your family for the last few months (or years) or walking the same route for exercise. A close look at this picture reveals a small branch from an evergreen that fell into the bush and was frozen in place. Think about where in life you have become stagnated due to habit, routine or lack of desire. Consider where you would be if you made a change. The change could be as simple as altering the sequence that you do things or what you wear when you do them. Sometimes, just taking a different road home or changing the day of the week that errands get done, shakes up your schedule enough to make it feel new. Replace inertia with momentum!