This tent is meant for a child. I climbed into it anyway. The sight of it reminded me of the concept of “running away to the circus”. That phrase used to convey the idea of leaving old relationships and obligations behind in favor of a life of frivolity and travel. While it was never a good idea, the words acknowledged that someone needed a break. What do you do when you need a break? Are you able to identify when you do? Maybe you get cranky or forgetful. Maybe a family member gives you a look that translates into “what’s up with you?”. Perhaps it’s a bunch of little things that you assume mean all those OTHER people are having a bad day. Next time it happens just stop, even for a moment. Take a deep breath (or two, or three) and reassess. Look at what it is you are tasked with and how much you have accomplished. If you were chopping wood it would be prudent to stop to sharpen the edge on the blade of your axe. Maybe you need to gather more supplies or info. Maybe you just need a snack or bathroom break. Think about doing another job on your list to break the monotony. Stand on the other side of the room to get a different perspective. Now, get back to work. And….always nurture the child within.