This Christmas season was the first time I visited Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This wall was one of the first things that we saw. The sign said that it is what remains from a 1747 (or 49 ?) building. It has been stabilized, yet you can clearly see the construction of the original. Doing the mental math and coming up with 250 years plus, was pretty impressive. The US history, the number of people that have walked past it, the conscious effort to restore and maintain it, all made me aware of the impact of the past on our lives. By extension, our lives impact the future. That future might be as short term as tomorrow or as long term as two generations away. Please consider the impact of your actions on others. Maybe it is as obvious as driving carelessly while checking your phone and hitting the bumper ahead of you. It might be as subtle as forgetting to update your fire extinguishers, thinking that it doesn’t matter. Maybe it is saying something inappropriate out loud that is overheard by a young child. Pay particular attention to those things that will impact what people will remember about you when you are gone.