Jigsaw puzzles are a great way to exercise your brain and relax at the same time. Some are hard and some are easy. Some pieces are big and some are small. Sometimes the cardboard and color are high quality and sometimes they are poor. Sometimes the cover picture is detailed enough to help you see the finished puzzle detail. Sometimes your table isn’t quite the right size for the dimensions of the puzzle. Sometimes your timing is wrong and you have to put it all away because company is coming. Sometimes the colors match up and the shape doesn’t. Sometimes they both appear to be right and the piece still doesn’t fit. That’s when bad language may escape your lips. Doing jigsaw puzzles requires patience, and a good eye for making a match. It requires the willingness to keep turning the same piece around in multiple positions until you find the correct spot. Frustration and disbelief become evident when the piece you have been searching for happens to be in front of you. One of the biggest lessons is the importance of seeing the big picture first. Without an image of what the finished puzzle is supposed to look like, assembling the pieces is quite difficult.. Think about the implications for your life…What is YOUR big picture? Where do you want to be and what do you want to be doing? Get clear on that and it becomes easier to fit the pieces together.